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Community Involvement
Members having fun serving our community

* May 27 our members clean the grave of our chapter's namesake;
* June 12  our annual chapter Flag Retirement Ceremony

* Sept 4 & 5  marching in the  Black Diamond Labor Days parade in
  colonial costumes, decorated our DAR booth for the day & host the
  annual community Pie Baking & Jam Contests

* Oct 11 our Annual DAR Community Service Day
* ​Dec 10 we participate in the Wreaths Across America at Tahoma National
   Cemetery, and delivered gifts to the Orting Soldiers Home.  

pie judge 4.jpg
marge doing WAA.jpg
pie judge 2.jpg
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three ladies of MFS at WAA.jpg
Chapter gifts for Orting soldiers

Photos courtesy of and used by permission of  J.L. Carroll

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pie judge.jpg
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jc at BDLD festival 2015.jpg
parade banner with members.jpg
St. Outstanding teacher
Barb, Marge, Marcia and JC 2021 BDLD.jpg
katies car handing out flags.jpg

The DAR Insignia is the property of, and is copyrighted by, the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution.  The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of NSDAR.  Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of  NSDAR, the state  organization or other individual DAR chapters.    Our chapter earned the Lantern Chapter designation in recognition of five or more members organizing and creating a new chapter to spread the light of DAR.
For comments or questions about the website, please contact the
webmaster.    Updated 03-01-25

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